Olha aquela garota lá. É, aquela mesma, a de cabelos fofos, bem parecida comigo, um tantinho mais nova, mas bem pouco. Viu? Ótimo. Pois é, vamos apelidá-la de Maria.
Ela lê muito, sabe... também estuda muito, até demais. Gosta muito de Artes, mas não larga as Exatas por causa disso. Não, meu caro, não sou eu; parece né? Eu sei...
Sabe o que aconteceu com Maria? Ela está apaixonada, ou pelo menos estava, por alguém que mal conversa, ela está (chegue mais perto, isso é meio pessoal) apaixonada por um estranho. Esse ser não tem pretendentes, não tem problemas (aparentemente...), exceto por se mostrar um introvertido convicto. Ecco, io sò che ricorderia di quello ragazzo anche di quella situazione dell'anno scorso. Mas não é a mesma coisa, ela está indecisa sobre a ambigüidade dos atos de seu afeto, não desolada pela impossibilidade. Está bem, fui uma covarde de não me pronunciar, de me manter de cabeça abaixada e olhos marejados enquanto o tempo passava; mas olha a Maria, ela está se 'desapaixonando' do mesmo jeito que fiz: da forma mais amarga e medrosa. Ela está encolhida no canto, com o imaginário rabo fazendo uma perfeita espiral entre as pernas. Ahn..? Ah, d'accordo, io sarò meno rude con lei. Mas me deixa frustrada ver algo se repetir tão ridiculamente. Esse sentimento (na falta de uma palavra melhor) de Maria seria tão frágil a ponto de sucumbir ao pavor por receber um 'não'? Se for, Maria, admita a si mesma, causará menos dor e te tomará menos tempo.
(Corre, Maria
Que a vida não espera
É uma primavera
Não podes perder)
Mas se pensas que isso que lhe aparvalha o ritmo da vida não é tão ignóbil, arrisque e quem sabe, petiscará. Ficar de jejum te deixará com uma ligeira dor, mas bilhões de pessoas existem, uma delas irá te 'apetecer'. Não deixe-nos a fitar o des-enredo do ano passado, mudemos qualquer coisa.
Por favor, não corra o risco de ser o objeto deste trecho.
"...Anda, Maria
Pois eu só teria
A minha agonia
Pra te oferecer"
27 outubro 2008
Olha Maria...
'viva la musica',
De Outrens,
25 outubro 2008
Ensaio sobre a Cegueira
"(...) provavelmente ninguém o terá notado até hoje, como são absolutamente terríveis os gritos dos cegos, parecem eles que estão a gritar sem saberem porquê, queremos dizer-lhes que se calem e logo acabamos nós a gritar também, só nos falta sermos cegos, mas o dia lá virá."
José Saramago
José Saramago
19 outubro 2008
I saw you, sitting in a dead-tree
Listening the wind flow beneath us
Waiting for something about something
So I remembered that afternoon on the campus
When we're stretched on the grass, whispering
anything about an ulgy bee.
I wish I could see the better path
as clearly as I solve some math equations
that I know, we both like.
But actually, my dear
live the day you'll strike back
all the stupid things that I did to you
is something that I really fear.
So... hey folk, here I am!
Wheeling in the middle of the wall
Trying to skip this fool jam.
Listening the wind flow beneath us
Waiting for something about something
So I remembered that afternoon on the campus
When we're stretched on the grass, whispering
anything about an ulgy bee.
I wish I could see the better path
as clearly as I solve some math equations
that I know, we both like.
But actually, my dear
live the day you'll strike back
all the stupid things that I did to you
is something that I really fear.
So... hey folk, here I am!
Wheeling in the middle of the wall
Trying to skip this fool jam.
17 outubro 2008
Hoje desmenti (por conta própria) toda aquela algazarra em volta do dito popular que diz que o sentimento do cozinheiro na hora de preparar o alimento é essencial para ele sair bom. Não vou dizer que faz tempo desde a última vez que eu fiquei 'emputecida' desse jeito, porque seria uma hipérbole, mas hoje estou especialmente incomodada (que eufemismo...).
Quantas figuras de linguagem. Seja como for, minha raiva era tão grande há algumas horas atrás - raiva de mim, dos outros, das situações - que eu, nessa minha avalanche confusa de sentimentos agressivos, percebi uma ponta de apreensão quanto à qualidade dos cookies que estavam sendo produzidos. A massa de fato saiu diferente do que costuma sair, com um gosto meio farinhento. E quando essa indignação somava-se ao aglomerado de insatisfações, saiu a primeira fornada (que acabei queimando um pouco), e saiu bom. Assim, não pior do que a média razoável, mas abaixo do patamar que eu esperaria de mim algum outro dia.
Mas, por hoje ser hoje, tá bom vai.
Quantas figuras de linguagem. Seja como for, minha raiva era tão grande há algumas horas atrás - raiva de mim, dos outros, das situações - que eu, nessa minha avalanche confusa de sentimentos agressivos, percebi uma ponta de apreensão quanto à qualidade dos cookies que estavam sendo produzidos. A massa de fato saiu diferente do que costuma sair, com um gosto meio farinhento. E quando essa indignação somava-se ao aglomerado de insatisfações, saiu a primeira fornada (que acabei queimando um pouco), e saiu bom. Assim, não pior do que a média razoável, mas abaixo do patamar que eu esperaria de mim algum outro dia.
Mas, por hoje ser hoje, tá bom vai.
12 outubro 2008
Eu falo
tu ouves
ele cala.
Eu procuro
tu indagas
ele esconde.
Eu planto
tu adubas
ele colhe.
Eu ajunto
tu conservas
ele rouba.
Eu defendo
tu combates
ele entrega.
Eu canto
tu calas
ele vaia.
Eu escrevo
tu me lês
ele apaga.
Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna (II)
tu ouves
ele cala.
Eu procuro
tu indagas
ele esconde.
Eu planto
tu adubas
ele colhe.
Eu ajunto
tu conservas
ele rouba.
Eu defendo
tu combates
ele entrega.
Eu canto
tu calas
ele vaia.
Eu escrevo
tu me lês
ele apaga.
Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna (II)
De Outrens,
03 outubro 2008
Composition #2
Many years have been gone since that fatidic afternoon. At first, I wasn't dead yet. I lived in Mosoonee those days, in a comfortable house at the suburbs, next to a national park. I was 13 years old and still had lessons at elementary school. Mosoonee, as everybody knows, is a tiny country city, so I used to walk by myself to school, every single day, even if it was snowing (of course, if the day wouldn't have been canceled).
It was the beginning of the spring; the snow had melted recently and I was coming back from school with some friends; it was sunset. I was laughing about some stupid joke that Mike told us when we turned the block and saw a skinny wolf sniffing the air. I stopped my laugh suddenly, but that sound echoed through the space. The wolf looked at us, the mouth half-opened revealing his teeth. It began to walk in our direction. My friends and I were terribly frightened, so when it roared we run away, each one to a random direction. I had so much despair that I couldn't think about where I was going. The starving wolf, for fate or something like that, followed me. When I realized this fact, I shouted between the gaps of my breath "Woooolf!... Wooolf!...". My feet took me to my favorite place: the surrounds of the national park. I was getting more and more slowly, the straps of my heavy bag were cutting my shoulders. Suddenly something (probably my hunter) pushed my back, making me fall and making the bag rip. From inside of it jumped a Tupperware with a half-eat sandwich. I tried to crawl away from the wolf, but my muscles refused to obey me. My hunter sniffed the food and decided to eat it, swallowing all at once. Then it turned to face me, with a tomato between the open teeth. I was paralyzed and couldn't do anything but follow that corpse with the eyes (yes, it seemed more a corpse than a living animal) surrounding me. I could hear noises of a far place, but beside that the scene was silent – I stopped yelling when I fell.
We stayed on that almost static moment until it decided to act. It jumped, aiming my neck, but I put my right arm in front of me. The wolf dilacerated from elbow to wrist; bit my hand and didn't release it. I cried as loud as I could, and saw an elder (neighbor of my uncle) with a rifle. He was trembling, but aimed at the wolf and shot. Lower than my cries, I heard the crash, but the wolf wasn't hurt. The blood flowing down was only mine. The bullet reached the floor, next to the wolf's tail. The monster felt threatened, but it wasn't going away without an award, so it did a hard pull in my hand and began to run away. The pain that I felt that day is something that I remember until today, in my dead-life. In the moment, I didn't realize that two fingers of my right hand had gone with the wolf; just when I saw (with wet eyes) my bloody mutilated hand without the forth and fifth fingers that I understood why it was aching so hardly. I heard another shot while my vision was getting blurred. I fainted.
After, someone told me that the elder killed the wolf with the second bullet. My parents took me to Montreal to visit doctors, but no one could help me. The wound had cured, but I had to became left-handed; I lost friends because of my appearance; I lost my childhood. It complicated my life and continue even now, in my dead.
Meio melô, confesso.
It was the beginning of the spring; the snow had melted recently and I was coming back from school with some friends; it was sunset. I was laughing about some stupid joke that Mike told us when we turned the block and saw a skinny wolf sniffing the air. I stopped my laugh suddenly, but that sound echoed through the space. The wolf looked at us, the mouth half-opened revealing his teeth. It began to walk in our direction. My friends and I were terribly frightened, so when it roared we run away, each one to a random direction. I had so much despair that I couldn't think about where I was going. The starving wolf, for fate or something like that, followed me. When I realized this fact, I shouted between the gaps of my breath "Woooolf!... Wooolf!...". My feet took me to my favorite place: the surrounds of the national park. I was getting more and more slowly, the straps of my heavy bag were cutting my shoulders. Suddenly something (probably my hunter) pushed my back, making me fall and making the bag rip. From inside of it jumped a Tupperware with a half-eat sandwich. I tried to crawl away from the wolf, but my muscles refused to obey me. My hunter sniffed the food and decided to eat it, swallowing all at once. Then it turned to face me, with a tomato between the open teeth. I was paralyzed and couldn't do anything but follow that corpse with the eyes (yes, it seemed more a corpse than a living animal) surrounding me. I could hear noises of a far place, but beside that the scene was silent – I stopped yelling when I fell.
We stayed on that almost static moment until it decided to act. It jumped, aiming my neck, but I put my right arm in front of me. The wolf dilacerated from elbow to wrist; bit my hand and didn't release it. I cried as loud as I could, and saw an elder (neighbor of my uncle) with a rifle. He was trembling, but aimed at the wolf and shot. Lower than my cries, I heard the crash, but the wolf wasn't hurt. The blood flowing down was only mine. The bullet reached the floor, next to the wolf's tail. The monster felt threatened, but it wasn't going away without an award, so it did a hard pull in my hand and began to run away. The pain that I felt that day is something that I remember until today, in my dead-life. In the moment, I didn't realize that two fingers of my right hand had gone with the wolf; just when I saw (with wet eyes) my bloody mutilated hand without the forth and fifth fingers that I understood why it was aching so hardly. I heard another shot while my vision was getting blurred. I fainted.
After, someone told me that the elder killed the wolf with the second bullet. My parents took me to Montreal to visit doctors, but no one could help me. The wound had cured, but I had to became left-handed; I lost friends because of my appearance; I lost my childhood. It complicated my life and continue even now, in my dead.
Meio melô, confesso.
'Quem conta um conto...',
02 outubro 2008
I was opening the gate when the first raindrop fell. And then another, and another, and another.
The clouds were crying so loud that I couldn't listen my-self-pain. The arms of the drunk trees were whipping the air, seeking the highest clouds. It was a Cyclops battle and I wouldn't complain staying at home, listening my mood amplified outside. I turned and went back.
As soon as I opened the door, a wild wind passed by me and made papers on the piano madly dance until touch the floor.
"Oh my fuckin' sheets!" I bawled, pulling my bike in and closing the door.
"The word is 'now'
I'm ready to make my sacrifice
Pray - imagine all the things
That I never talked about" - Qui c'è un bisticcio, può capirlo? Ancora vorresti ascoltarmi ad ogni modo? *sospira* Allora così sia, non si può fare niente.
The clouds were crying so loud that I couldn't listen my-self-pain. The arms of the drunk trees were whipping the air, seeking the highest clouds. It was a Cyclops battle and I wouldn't complain staying at home, listening my mood amplified outside. I turned and went back.
As soon as I opened the door, a wild wind passed by me and made papers on the piano madly dance until touch the floor.
"Oh my fuckin' sheets!" I bawled, pulling my bike in and closing the door.
"The word is 'now'
I'm ready to make my sacrifice
Pray - imagine all the things
That I never talked about" - Qui c'è un bisticcio, può capirlo? Ancora vorresti ascoltarmi ad ogni modo? *sospira* Allora così sia, non si può fare niente.
'viva la musica',
De Outrens,