12 dezembro 2009

P. 2

A waitress steps behind him and touches his shoulder. She says 'Senhor, o toalete está interditado'. He looks at her, with a confused glance. To him, the girl've just said a flow of dragged consonants. 'I'm sorr...' he starts, but she pushes the door closed and shows him a sticked paper on the door's wood, which said: 'Toalete em desuso' and below, in a tinier letter 'Toilet out of use'. He looks puzzled, turns around and sits on his chair. He eats some other candies. Has the man gone there? Eddie's fake's dying for a fix, and he got acid before. He seems to consider asking the waitress whether his partner has entered the shop, but it wouldn't be sane. Were the man a illusion? The wine shop is almost empty, except by a couple of young parents with a very curious daughter. The parents hasn't noticed him (they're too focused on themselves), but the little one stares him with big and interested eyes.
He seems to mutter something like 'Ok, that wasn't real'. He drinks the unfinished glasses, stands up, pays the bill and goes out to the mist, to the rain, to the river. And, if he is lucky, to the hotel.

4 comentários:

Jeff disse...

Oi, Sibila! Tudo bem? Aqui eh o Jeff do Contra-ordem! Viu, troquei o blog de casa e de nome, agora se chama "Eu passarin" e tá aqui www.eupassarin.wordpress.com Se puder, troca aí nos seus links! :)
Ah, chegou a dar uma olhadinha no meu livrinho? Beijos, jeff

Jeff disse...

Poxa, Sib, que legal que vc está lendo! Apesar de eu gostar muito de outras poesias, confesso que esta (subverso) tem uma mística especial pra mim... não é a toa que dá nome ao livro! Ah, já viu/ouviu Leonard Cohen? Tenho colocado umas coisas sobre ele lá no Passarin... dá uma olhada! Bejao, jeff

Unknown disse...

Seems a nice memory. And a nice picture of human behavior when standing in front of confusion (or madness, I wonder?)

maybe disse...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^